Do you suffer from Insomnia? There are many factors that can cause Insomnia. By keeping our endocrine system and nervous system functioning properly we can stop […]
Uncertainty makes you feel like you’re floating just a couple inches off the ground. Your toes almost touch; but you can’t quite get a gripping. Uncertainty […]
On the same wavelength as last week, meditation is a broadly used tool to help all things from stress to performance goals. This year especially, meditation […]
Getting Started Using Customized Setting: Press the power button Scroll down to customize, and select (these will be your personalized settings) From there, scroll down to […]
WHY IS SLEEP IMPORTANT? Long-term health depends on the regeneration that occurs during deep sleep. Growth hormone, or the “anti-aging” hormone, is secreted during sleep, which […]
Whether you call them pimples, blemishes, or zits, ACNE is a common skin condition that can be a source of discomfort, frustration, and embarrassment for those […]